Posts tagged with npr
Non-shocking confessions

I can't stop myself from hate-reading NPR's My Guilty Pleasure posts, in which authors recommend their favorite "embarrassing, but addictive reads". As longtime readers of the site know, I feel strongly that you should never be ashamed of the things you like (as long as they're not, y'know, illegal or immoral), and describing intelligent, witty genre authors like Georgette Heyer as a "guilty pleasure"...
Grimness abounds

NPR has started a new blog devoted to YA literature. It's called "PG-13: Risky Reads", and while I'm not overly impressed by the books they have featured to date (On The Beach, Rubyfruit Jungle, Gone With The Wind, and I Am The Cheese), I'll definitely be checking back to see if their subject matter improves...
The Colbert thing was no fluke.

The NPR program Fresh Air with Terry Gross devoted yesterday to remembering Maurice Sendak, who did several interviews with the show over the course of 20-odd years. They aired sections from the various conversations, and Sendak proved himself to be a fascinating and frequently very funny subject.
Book club pick

This month's pick for NPR's Backseat Book Club is the Newbery Honor-winning Heart of a Samurai, by Margi Preus. It's another book I haven't read, and probably should—it's based on the true story of Nakahama Manjirō, one of the first Japanese people to visit the United States.
Showroom condition

NPR has a fascinating article up about the 1,300-year-old St. Cuthbert Gospel, which the British Library recently purchased for about 14 million dollars. The Gospel is Europe's oldest intact book, and, if the pictures are to believed, it is in astonishingly good shape.
Planting season

In a nod to the Spring season, this month's NPR Backseat Book Club pick is Paul Fleischman's 1999 novel Seedfolks. I haven't read the book, but NPR's description makes it sound absolutely lovely, so I'm thinking I might buy it for my own Easter basket...
February Book Club Pick

I've never heard of NPR's current Back Seat Book Club pick—Shooting Kabul, by N.H. Senzai—but this month they're asking kids to send in both questions for the author and photographs of beloved people and places.
A book club pick with purpose
NPR's Backseat Book Club pick for January is Christopher Paul Curtis's The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963. According to NPR, the book was chosen because "[it] has the ability to entertain and info...
Needless to say, we will not be reading the sequel to Precious.
And speaking of summer reading, NPR has been putting together a number of genre-specific recommended reading lists, including crime fiction, cookbooks, and historical novels. Their selections are...
Congratulations, Dr. Lacks.
NPR aired a news story yesterday about an honorary doctorate of public service from Morgan State University posthumously awarded to Henrietta Lacks, an African-American woman whose cancer cells ha...
Oprah she isn't.
NPR posted an article last Monday about TV personality and best-selling author Chelsea Handler, who was recently given her own publishing inprint within Grand Central Publishing. Handler might se...
Boys Over Flowers: NPR-approved
And speaking of NPR, their ongoing "You Must Read This" segment recently featured Yoko Kamio's manga Boys Over Flowers. It's not the best written piece they've ever produced (the pun in the title...
Note the relative sizes of the title and author name...
NPR has an interview up with Marcia Clark, the former Los Angeles deputy district attorney best known for her work on the O.J. Simpson trial. 15-plus years later, she has shifted her focus to fic...
Books, bells, and whistles
NPR's Morning Edition recently aired a story about "multi-platform" children's books, focusing largely on our beloved 39 Clues series. Personally, we think the literary gimmick is tough to get ri...