Fanfiction contest!
Sep 29

Give us your best HEX!Awesome idea, huh? Would that more authors (read: Laurell K. Hamilton) learned to appreciate that fanfiction is truly the sincerest form of flattery.
A Fan Fiction Contest with Linda Wisdom
Ever wondered why Jazz and Nick argue so much? Have you imagined a hilarious scenario with Irma? And I’m sure you’ve thought up a ton of escapades with Fluff and Puff! Why not write your very own Hex Fan Fiction piece?
Linda Wisdom and Sourcebooks Casablanca are pleased to present an exciting contest—Tell us your own short story starring the characters from 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover and the October 1 release, Hex Appeal!
Rules (follow them or we might kick you out of the Witches Academy!)
1.Choose any character you like and give them an original story!
2.1500 words maximum, sent in a Word Document or in the body of the email
Erotica is ok, but nothing too scary (no bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia; no slander of public people; no black magic; no Wiccan or black magic spells, cursing in the regular sense is okay—we just want to have as much fun as possible!).
3.Send your story to Linda’s publicist, Danielle Jackson, at danielle[dot]jackson[at]sourcebooks[dot]com, no later than 5:00pm CST on October 25, 2008. (All stories submitted will become the property of Sourcebooks, Inc. to avoid copyright complications. Please email Danielle with any questions about this.)
4.The winner, chosen by Linda, will be announced on her Myspace page the morning of Halloween!
So what do you get if you win? 2 runners up with received autographed copies of the first two books in the series, 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover and Hex Appeal.
The Grand Prize Winner will also receive the autographed copies, AND the winner’s name will be used as a character in the fourth book in Linda’s Hexy series, out in October 2009!
Good luck with your entries!
Posted by: Julianka
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...particularly seeing as any fanfic writer is BOUND to do a better job than Ms. Hamilton!
I think this is a great idea. Why don't more authors do something like it? It's free AND it inspires fan loyalty!