Manga releases galore
Sep 25
I’ve been having some irritating manga experiences lately, so I'm happy to see that there will be volumes of all three of my favorite mangas coming out in the next few weeks:
1. Volume 13 of The Wallflower—This series is silly, repetitive, and seriously lacking in meaningful character development... but I love it anyway. The Wallflower might be gleefully ridiculous, but every volume thus far has been more than funny enough to justify its cover price.
2. Volume 13 of Tramps Like Us—Tramps Like Us is just as funny and strange as The Wallflower, but in a completely different way. This delicate, surreal romance is drawing to a close, and I'm really going to miss it—on the other hand, the complete series will be the perfect "gateway manga" for all of my non-manga-reading friends! (Your fate is at hand, guys.)
3. Volume 5 of Yotsuba&!—Everyone should read Yotsuba&!. There should be Yotsuba&! volumes in every school classroom and public library, the upcoming volume five release should be celebrated with a national bank holiday, and it's possible that Kiyohiko Azuma should be canonized. If I read nothing else in all of October, this release alone would make the month worthwhile.

Posted by: Julianka
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