Luz: Girl of the Knowing
Sep 2
Has anybody else been following Claudia Dávila's Luz: Girl of the Knowing? It's a weekly webcomic about a 12-year-old city girl, Luz, who's looking for information about sustainable survival for humans (specifically humans in urban centers) in a post-petroleum age:

I really like the way this series portrays a world without abundant oil as a tough but salvageable place. Luz's life is a less convenient than our own, but it isn't some kind of zombie paradise. There are blackouts and prices are high, but Luz and her friends are getting by just fine--which means that young readers can read, enjoy, and learn from the series without any over-anxious parents worrying about post-apocalypse-inspired nightmares.

I really like the way this series portrays a world without abundant oil as a tough but salvageable place. Luz's life is a less convenient than our own, but it isn't some kind of zombie paradise. There are blackouts and prices are high, but Luz and her friends are getting by just fine--which means that young readers can read, enjoy, and learn from the series without any over-anxious parents worrying about post-apocalypse-inspired nightmares.
Posted by: Julianka
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