Sep 18

If you're going to be in New York next week, consider checking out Scholastic's all-day read-a-thon of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on September 23rd. The event is being held in honor of the upcoming 10th anniversary edition of the first HP book, and will take place at Scholastic's headquarters in NYC. Things kick off at 8AM, and are expected to conclude around 7 in the evening. Scholastic's even rounded up some celebrity (well, celebrity-ish) readers, but the bulk of the book will be read by ordinary people.
The readings will happen on a first come, first serve basis, and readers will read perched on the very same throne-like chair that J.K. Rowling sat in when she was at Carnegie Hall. The first 100 readers will get a free copy of the special anniversary edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, and everyone who participates will get a commemorative souvenir.
Note: Bring a parent if you're under 18—you won't be allowed to read without their permission.
Posted by: Julianka
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