Brave or foolhardy? It's a tough call.
Sep 12

I have no idea if this will work (and I'm not thrilled about that subtitle, as it makes Mr. Darcy sound like a creep), but I have to give Ms. Reynolds props for her bravery: the world is full to overflowing with Austen-inspired continuations, prequels, and fresh-point-of-view retellings, but very few people have the guts to screw around with her actual plot structures.
Note: I hope the ampersand in the title is darker on the actual bookcover. When I first saw it, I thought the title was "IMPULSE INITIATIVE", which I found off-putting--it makes it sound like an x-rated sci-fi novel, and I'm assuming that wasn't what the author was going for.
Posted by: Julianka
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the angry carrot
The title may say "x-rated sci-fi novel", but the cover art looks like one of those inspirational religious novels.
Which isn't to say I won't totally buy it when it comes out! It sounds like bad fanfic, but I don't think I'll be able to help myself...
Dude, I feel you. Literary curiosity is the downfall of most book-loving women's pocketbooks...