Janet Evanovich

When I was poking around Ms. Evanovich's website I came across the following quote, and since I can't imagine a better description of her heroine than the following line, I'm just going to steal it:

"If Mickey Spillane wrote Archie and Veronica, Stephanie would be Betty."

There you go: the Stephanie Plum books in a nutshell.

But if you insist on having more information before plunking down your hard-earned $7.99, here goes: the Stephanie Plum books are about a nice girl from Jersey who's trying to make a living as a bounty hunter armed with nothing more than an unloaded gun in her cookie jar, a plus-sized ex-hooker for backup, and tragically bad luck with cars.

Note: The more conventional romances that Ms. Evanovich co-writes with Charlotte Hughes are NOT in the same style as the Stephanie Plum books. If that's what you're looking for, try the re-releases of her standalone novels, which feature some of her trademarks: heavily armed senior citizens and very hungry dogs.

None. This is inspired lunacy at its finest.

Look in used bookstores first, major chains second.

Other Recommendations:
Anything by Jennifer Crusie

The Bridget Jones books or Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination, by Helen Fielding

The Princess Diaries, by Meg Cabot

http://www.evanovich.com/ -
Posted by: Julia


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