Edith Wharton

Edith Wharton was an extraordinary writer, but I think that most people would agree that reading one of her full-length novels is plenty. While I do have a certain masochistic affection for the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Age of Innocence, the only one of Wharton's books that I would describe as true Wordcandy is her 1934 short story Roman Fever. The novella originally seems like it will be yet another of Wharton's melancholy marches toward impending social doom, but readers will be pleased to discover that Roman Fever features a charmingly evil surprise ending.

None, but don't read Roman Fever and expect the rest of her books to be similar, because you would be setting yourself up for some serious disappointment.

Roman Fever is usually sold as a part of a collection, so if you can't find it under its own name, just start hunting through Wharton collections.

(Availability Note: While we here at Wordcandy always encourage you to buy books (in fact, buy them through us! We're a very worthy cause!) we understand that sometimes, alas, one is flat broke. If that's the case, you can read copies of some or all of this author's books at this fine site for FREE.)

Other Recommendations:
Anything by Jane Austen

The Debt to Pleasure, by John Lanchester

Travels With My Aunt, by Graham Greene

http://www.edithwharton.org/ -
Posted by: Julia


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