Whoa--has anyone been following this
Alice Hoffman thing? She was apparently upset by an unfavorable review
Boston Globe critic Roberta Silman wrote about her latest book, so she went on a Twitter rampage, calling Silman a "moron" and an "idiot", and concluding by publishing the critic's
phone number and e-mail address, and inviting her fans to write to Silman and "tell her off".
Charming, no? And making me very,
very thankful that all of the authors we've written about in a less-than-glowing light (and there have been quite a few) have been absolutely gracious. Thanks, guys!
...oh, and it also makes me wonder if Twitter should maybe work on something like those
cellphone apps that stop people from drunk-dialing.
...oh, and it also makes me wonder if Twitter should maybe work on something like those cellphone apps that stop people from drunk-dialing.
Then what would be worth reading on Twitter? The sober posts certainly are boring beyond belief.