Behold: A low-budget vampire version of the Gossip Girl cast!
May 7
Holy moly. Are they serious?

What am I saying? This is the movie adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight: of course they're serious! And just because I find those poses hilarious, it doesn't mean the rest of the YA-reading-world won't find 'em 100% awesome. After all, nothing says "brooding Gothic hero" like a scowl and a set of beautifully waxed man-brows, right?
Note: I'm going to stop talking about film adaptations any day now, promise. This multiple posts a day thing is going to my head...

What am I saying? This is the movie adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight: of course they're serious! And just because I find those poses hilarious, it doesn't mean the rest of the YA-reading-world won't find 'em 100% awesome. After all, nothing says "brooding Gothic hero" like a scowl and a set of beautifully waxed man-brows, right?
Note: I'm going to stop talking about film adaptations any day now, promise. This multiple posts a day thing is going to my head...
Posted by: Julianka
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That guy in the back looks like Austin Scarlett from Project Runway. Who's he supposed to be?
HAH! I love the "power stride" thing they're doing in the second shot. It's the slo-mo super-clique hallway walk of doom! All they need is a wind machine...
It is not like we are going to see any of there faces due to all the buckets of rain that fall in Washington according to the author....