Jacqueline Gilbert

Although I can't seem to find out anything on this woman's personal life (I know! Google has failed me!), from the mid-seventies to the early nineties, Jacqueline Gilbert was one of the best authors in the Harlequin stable. Unlike most Harlequin romances from that era, which tended to be steaming piles of sexist tripe about idiotic 18-year-old girls swooning at the feet of 36-year-old men named "Heath" or "Raoul", who spend the whole novel stalking around with permanent scowls on their darkly masculine faces, brooding over their profound hatred of women, Ms. Gilbert's romances actually manage to seem romantic even to today's readers.


Limited to online exchanges and used bookstores.

Other Recommendations:
Anything by Mary Stewart.
Posted by: Julia


12 Jan, 2013

I remember many years ago reading a book written by Jacqueline Gilbert (yes it was a harlequin book) and thoroughly enjoyed it. I read it many times over several years until l lost it and would love to find it again. I would love to discover more books she wrote. Whilst it's are that I read mills and boon/harlequin these days if they were reprinted today I would certainly buy them.

12 Jan, 2013

Unfortunately, I've found all of my Jacqueline Gilbert books at my doctor's office, which sells vintage romance novels for the low, low price of 4 for a dollar. It's a great deal, but it's definitely not the most efficient way to shop. But I can't bring myself to pay more for one of her books on eBay or whatever, when I know if I'm just really patient it'll turn up at Group Health at some point...

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