I tried reading the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels, but couldn't get into 'em--they seemed so impressed by their own quirky hipness that I was totally turned off. I thought at the time it was like reading a Michael Cera movie, and now I see that Michael Cera is, in fact, playing Scott Pilgrim. (Watch the trailer
here.) It's nice to see my fantasy casting choices be spot-on for
something... even if it's a movie I'm never going to watch.
"I tried reading the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels, but couldn't get into 'em--they seemed so impressed by their own quirky hipness that I was totally turned off."
I had the same experience. I love reading clever comics, but this one felt like it was announcing that it was clever more often than it was being clever.
"It's nice to see my fantasy casting choices be spot-on for something..."
Ha ha! Congratulations on being spot-on... even if you have no interest in the movie!
I hated everything about this comic: the art, the storyline, and MOST OF ALL the overwhelming smugness. And my local comic shop owner recommended it. We lost some faith in one another that day... :(
Thanks! I take validation where I can find it, you know?
Yeah, I thought it was pretty sucky, so I was seriously taken aback when I found out (after I'd read it) that it was considered a hot title.