Christopher Durang

Playwright Christopher Durang is best known for his award-winning black comedy Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You. I admit, I find large doses of Durang to be rather grating—the man is highly impressed by his own cleverness—but, luckily for me, most of Durang’s plays are pretty short. My favorite Durang plays are collected in Christopher Durang: 27 Short Plays. Sadly, 27 Short Plays doesn’t include Durang’s Mrs. Bob Cratchit’s Wild Christmas Binge, but that’s worth buying as a standalone book. (Best title ever.)

None. I wouldn't give a copy of Sister Mary to any religious conservatives, though. You'd regret it.

Limited. Try online.

Other Recommendations:
Anything by Edward Albee

Anything by Wendy Wasserstein

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Posted by: Julia


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