MSN.com is
reporting that Daniel Craig and Julianne Moore* are in talks to star in a film adaptation of
José Saramago's Nobel Prize-winning novel
Blindness. I've never read
Blindness (I'm still working up the courage), but I've always been curious, even though I hear that Mr. Saramago is too intellectually lofty to use any quotation marks: toss in a few man-eating plants and it sounds like you've got the plot of
John Wyndham's The Day of the Triffids. It's too bad that Mr. Wyndham never decided to turn up his nose at standard grammar usage. He might have won a Nobel Prize, too.
*Wasn't she just in a movie about a humanity torn apart by a bizarre medical condition?
Just a flash judgement, but I think I'd prefer to watch Day of the Triffids.