I miss you, bookstores
Jan 26

One of the things I have missed most during the pandemic has been my life-long habit of going into bookstores and looking for pretty new editions of classic books. My local bookstore offers a drive-through window, so I can easily order specific editions in safety, but it's not like I get a press release from the estates of long-dead authors telling me about specific reprints. (ALTHOUGH THAT WOULD BE NICE.) So I was chagrined but unsurprised to discover that I had totally missed out on the Penguin Vitae series, which attempts to give a collection of books by authors writing about gender, race, and sexuality the rich, elegant cover art they deserve. I could have lived without The Great Gatsby and The Sun Also Rises sneaking in there (were you worried Hemingway and Fitzgerald were feeling left out of the discussion of classic American texts, Penguin?), but otherwise I'd like to own this entire line.
Posted by: Julianka
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