Just take the L, son.
Feb 1

Vulture just posted a update on the latest controversy involving Jay Asher (author of the popular YA book 13 Reasons Why). The essay is worth reading in full, but here's a very brief summary: in 2017, Asher was accused of several instances of sexual harassment. He had been invited to be a guest speaker at an event sponsored by the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. In attempt to handle matters discreetly, Lin Oliver, the director of the SCBWI, arranged things so that Asher was quietly dis-invited from the event. But the story leaked out, and now Asher (who had previously gone along with Oliver's plans, and admitted to at least some of the misbehavior) is suing Oliver and the SCBWI for defamation.
Posted by: Julianka
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