The memories are still too fresh.
Oct 28

While I'm picking random horror-themed books off my To-Be-Read shelf this week, zillions of other people are doing Halloween-related book lists, too. My favorite is Jezebel's "SPOOKY SCARY HALLOWEEN YA BOOK CLUB", which has been revisiting the big horror titles of my early 90s youth. So far they've reviewed Mary Downing Hahn's Wait Till Helen Comes (which terrified me in 5th grade) and R.L. Stine's Cheerleaders: The First Evil (which I never read, because even in middle school I thought those Fear Street covers looked ridiculous). However, I suspect they are building up to those Scary Stories collections by Alvin Schwartz, and I fully admit that I will be too chicken to even read the review.
Posted by: Julianka
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