Grave Mercy, by Robin LaFevers
Sep 11

Robin LaFevers's Grave Mercy rings my bell on about a million different levels. Her heroine is thoughtful, cautious, and totally badass, the story dives into a load of historical details without triggering all of my usual squeamishness about novels set pre-1800, and—best of all—it's the first installment of a trilogy, but there's no cliffhanger: each novel is a complete story, and told from a different (but interconnected) point of view.
Set in 15th century Brittany, Grave Mercy blends fact and fiction. The story opens as LaFevers's heroine—fourteen-year-old Ismae—is being married off by her abusive father to an equally cruel husband. When her husband sees her naked back on their wedding night, Ismae's secret is revealed: a mark that identifies her as a daughter of Mortain, the Breton god of Death. Her loving spouse intends to have her burned as a witch, but Ismae is instead spirited away to the convent of St. Mortain, where a secretive and powerful group of nuns transform abandoned, hopeless girls into implacable assassins. Three years later, Ismae is ready to become a full initiate, but first she must survive a series of tests that will expose her to all the dangers of Brittany's ongoing struggle to remain independent from France.
Grave Mercy offers an enthralling mash-up of historical soap opera, classic coming-of-age tale, and undiluted action. To my delight, Ismae is never, after that first sequence, a damsel in distress, nor does she make foolish mistakes. (She's not always right, of course, but her logic is generally sound.) Admittedly, I was mildly skeeved out by a particular plot development late in the story—without spoiling anything, I can only say that Ismae eventually discovers a magical power of which Laurell K. Hamilton would approve—but that one sour note was easily overwhelmed by my enjoyment of the rest of the book.
Set in 15th century Brittany, Grave Mercy blends fact and fiction. The story opens as LaFevers's heroine—fourteen-year-old Ismae—is being married off by her abusive father to an equally cruel husband. When her husband sees her naked back on their wedding night, Ismae's secret is revealed: a mark that identifies her as a daughter of Mortain, the Breton god of Death. Her loving spouse intends to have her burned as a witch, but Ismae is instead spirited away to the convent of St. Mortain, where a secretive and powerful group of nuns transform abandoned, hopeless girls into implacable assassins. Three years later, Ismae is ready to become a full initiate, but first she must survive a series of tests that will expose her to all the dangers of Brittany's ongoing struggle to remain independent from France.
Grave Mercy offers an enthralling mash-up of historical soap opera, classic coming-of-age tale, and undiluted action. To my delight, Ismae is never, after that first sequence, a damsel in distress, nor does she make foolish mistakes. (She's not always right, of course, but her logic is generally sound.) Admittedly, I was mildly skeeved out by a particular plot development late in the story—without spoiling anything, I can only say that Ismae eventually discovers a magical power of which Laurell K. Hamilton would approve—but that one sour note was easily overwhelmed by my enjoyment of the rest of the book.
Posted by: Julianka
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