Weekly Book Giveaway: Hanging By a Thread, by Sophie Littlefield
Sep 9

This week's Book Giveaway title is Sophie Littlefield's Hanging By a Thread. One of the reviews from BN.com describes it as a "tension-filled mystery with an extrasensory twist", which concerns me, because I tend to read that as "a mystery whose resolution hinges on a magical cop-out", but who knows? Maybe it will be brilliant. Our review will go up later today.
As always, this contest runs Monday through Friday. To enter, just send us an e-mail connected to a valid address. Complete rules and regulations can be found here.
NOTE: We think we've fixed the problems with the email page, but if your message is marked un-deliverable, you can send us an email directly using the address "info [at symbol] wordcandy [dot] net" (minus all those spaces, of course). Sorry for the ongoing confusion!
As always, this contest runs Monday through Friday. To enter, just send us an e-mail connected to a valid address. Complete rules and regulations can be found here.
NOTE: We think we've fixed the problems with the email page, but if your message is marked un-deliverable, you can send us an email directly using the address "info [at symbol] wordcandy [dot] net" (minus all those spaces, of course). Sorry for the ongoing confusion!
Posted by: Julianka
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