The mind boggles.
Aug 15

Deadline is reporting that 13-year-old Mad Men actress Kiernan Shipka has signed on for the lead role in Lifetime's upcoming Flowers in the Attic adaptation. I guess this answers my question as to whether or not people think this movie is going to be a Crazy Big Deal; I doubt an actress of Shipka's stature would sign on to a role like this* if everyone's hopes weren't very, very high. But that raises another question: WHY WOULD HER PARENTS LET HER DO THIS?!? GROSS.
*SPOILER: I realize V.C. Andrews books no longer lurk at checkout counters across the land, so if you're unfamiliar with the plot, here's the nutshell version: four siblings are imprisoned for years inside the top story of their family's mansion. During their confinement, the two older children (they're, like, 14 and 16) embark on an incestuous affair. I'm not sure Shipka is even old enough to READ this book, much less portray the main character.
*SPOILER: I realize V.C. Andrews books no longer lurk at checkout counters across the land, so if you're unfamiliar with the plot, here's the nutshell version: four siblings are imprisoned for years inside the top story of their family's mansion. During their confinement, the two older children (they're, like, 14 and 16) embark on an incestuous affair. I'm not sure Shipka is even old enough to READ this book, much less portray the main character.
Posted by: Julianka
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Hello, mother. I'm on your blog, reading your posts about distubing books. :)