Jane Austen's nastiest one-liners
Apr 10

Adelle Waldman on Slate ranked Jane Austen's books from best to worst, and listed the ten "most devastating one-liners" featured in her novels. Unsurprisingly, I totally disagreed with her best-to-worst order (Emma at number one, and Persuasion dead last? Please.), but the one-liners, while not always technically one line long, are undeniably amazing. Here's my favorite, from Mansfield Park:
“She was a woman who spent her days in sitting nicely dressed on a sofa, doing some long piece of needlework, of little use and no beauty, thinking more of her pug than her children, but very indulgent to the latter when it did not put herself to inconvenience.”People who think of Jane Austen as some kind of delicate English flower always underestimate how incredibly mean she could be. The woman did not suffer fools gladly.
Posted by: Julianka
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