Book cover twins
Jan 3

Last week, Flavorwire posted a slideshow of 10 "Suspiciously Similar" book covers, which I totally enjoyed. My favorite is the pairing of George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones with Mark Lawrence's nearly-identical King of Thorns. I'm pretty sure this would be an easy win, Mr. Martin, if you're feeling litigious. There's even a promotional quote on Lawrence's book describing his novel (and not just its cover image, presumably) as "on a par with George R. R. Martin".
Posted by: Julianka
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You're an idiot. I could go on a whole tirade about how stupid the paragraph I just read was, but honestly, you're not worth it.
You are an idiot
I agree with the comments that you're an idiot. A king sitting on a throne, that's never been done before because that's original! I mean, whoever thought of doing that? Kings don't sit on thrones (and I know Ed Stark isn't a king but he comes close) so this must be a copy! How old are you? Grow up, get some brains, then you might, just might, be able to write something that isn't totally idiotic.