Jennifer Crusie on the big (or maybe small?) screen
Oct 2

According to Jennifer Crusie's blog, Agnes and the Hitman (which she co-wrote with Bob Mayer) has been optioned for film. Apparently, this has happened before, but this time it's for real; there's a script and an option check and everything.
We wrote a positive review of Agnes several years ago. We always prefer Crusie's solo work to her collaborations, and this particular book was seriously tough to swallow, plot-wise, but it was definitely entertaining. As long as the movie version doesn't air on Lifetime (remember those Nora Roberts adaptations?), I'll probably watch it.
We wrote a positive review of Agnes several years ago. We always prefer Crusie's solo work to her collaborations, and this particular book was seriously tough to swallow, plot-wise, but it was definitely entertaining. As long as the movie version doesn't air on Lifetime (remember those Nora Roberts adaptations?), I'll probably watch it.
Posted by: Julianka
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