Just what the world needs
Aug 15

Painful news: Gossip Cop informs me that author E. L. James has recently struck three North American licensing deals to sell official Fifty Shades of Grey underwear, shirts, stockings, bathrobes, garters, pajamas and other apparel.
Sometimes I get genuinely depressed by humanity's taste. I mean, no one has yet reprinted my beloved Buffalo Brenda. The BBC has so far declined to make a TV adaptation of a Georgette Heyer mystery. No one has ever even made a movie version of Nine Coaches Waiting! But apparently the world is clamoring for $#%*(@# Fifty Shades garter belts.
Sometimes I get genuinely depressed by humanity's taste. I mean, no one has yet reprinted my beloved Buffalo Brenda. The BBC has so far declined to make a TV adaptation of a Georgette Heyer mystery. No one has ever even made a movie version of Nine Coaches Waiting! But apparently the world is clamoring for $#%*(@# Fifty Shades garter belts.
Posted by: Julianka
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