Valentine's Day options
Feb 8
Valentine's Day is nearly upon us, and, as always, the Wordcandy staff is on the lookout for appropriate holiday reading. We understand that this is a holiday that evokes a wide array of emotions, so we've tried to pick books that will suit a variety of tastes.
If you're in a successful romantic relationship, and you can stomach an unabashedly happy story, try Jennifer Crusie's Bet Me.
If you're in a... well, quirky relationship, and you're looking for a story that will reassure you that the world is full of much more dysfunctional couples, try Yayoi Ogawa's Tramps Like Us.
If you've spent the past month thinking of February 14th as "Black Wednesday", try Laura Zigman's Animal Husbandry.
Hope that helps!

Hope that helps!
Posted by: Julianka
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Laura Zigman
Hey Yullanka,
Thanks for mentioning "Animal Husbandry"! If you get a chance, here's the link to my website and blog (which I call a brant -- half brag, half rant):
Thanks again!
Wow--thanks for writing to us! We've recommended 'Animal Husbandry' before--it's such a gleefully bent story. And thank you for the link to your site and blog. We'll add it to your author page on the main Wordcandy site.
Laura Zigman
I just realized I typed your name wrong in my comment. PLEASE forgive me.
--Laura Z
Hey--I'm familiar with 'Animal Husbandry' and 'Bet Me' (both great reads, BTW). I'm just not sold on that middle one, though. The cover art is CREEPY.