Jane Austen + zombies = comedy gold?
Feb 11
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Man... couldn't they have started off with a book that actually would have been improved with a few zombies? Like, say, Wuthering Heights? Just the thought of this little charmer makes me tired, but there's more discussion--much, much more--over on AustenBlog, if you're interested.

Man... couldn't they have started off with a book that actually would have been improved with a few zombies? Like, say, Wuthering Heights? Just the thought of this little charmer makes me tired, but there's more discussion--much, much more--over on AustenBlog, if you're interested.
Posted by: Julianka
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I don't know... it might be a one note joke, but that cover IS pretty great!!!
I have no idea how bad this will turn out to be, but it can't be any worse than that Colleen McCoullough (sp?) story about Mary Bennnet.