Nov 3

Yes, my little manhwa-obsessed darlings, the English-language DVD version of the hugely popular Palace (a.ka. Goong, a.ka. Princess Hours) TV miniseries is coming out on November 21, and now you can pre-order it here at! The price tag is pretty steep (although YesAsia is offering it at a generous 38% discount), but let's face it: you just can't put a price on that much hotness. Goong was flat-out awesome, and would make an excellent Christmas gift. Just tell yourself that you owe it to your inner teenage girl....
Posted by: Julianka
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Tip: If you join Soompi forums, they have a coupon for another $5 off. Goong was SO COOL!
Now all we need is some freakin' Goong fanfic....