Another famous fantasy series I've never heard of is getting the LoTR treatment.
Oct 29

1. The Deryni novels are historical fantasy.I also now know more about Ireland's policy of not taxing book royalties, (a policy which the American-born Ms. Kurtz appears to have taken advantage of). Thanks, Wikipedia!
2. The first novel in the series (Deryni Rising) was published in 1970, and the most recent novel (Childe Morgan) was published in 2006.
3. As of 2007, this series consists of five trilogies (one of which is not yet completed), one standalone novel, two collections of short stories, and two reference books.
Posted by: Julianka
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It's actually a pretty good series. I read the first trilogy and I think I read the first two of the second trilogy. I still have the books around here somewhere and intend to read them again when I have time.
When they say "historical fantasy" what kind of history are we talking about? Is it just a random "Ye olden days" thing, or is it a specific time?