Barbara Vine is
Ruth Rendell's self-described "softer, more feminine" alterego. While the Vine novels are considerably longer and they do differ slightly in tone from the Rendell books, don't pick up the books looking for a kinder and gentler version of a Rendell mystery. Regardless of which name she uses, Ms. Rendell is never a particularly kind-hearted author. Entertaining, brilliant, and absorbing, yes. Soft, feminine, or even semi-charitable toward her characters? Not so much.
Availability:Everywhere, and I distantly recall an excellent
Mystery! version of
A Dark-Adapted Eye. I think it starred Helena Bohnam-Carter.
Other Recommendations:Anything by
Josephine TeyAnything by
P.D. James
The Angry Carrot
Let me second the rec of the "Dark-Adapted Eye" film. Excellent but v. disturbing.