Jan 26
I see so many Jane Austen continuations/adaptations/re-workings that they frequently start to blend together, but this one is gonna stick out in my memory:

You see, dear readers, Pride/Prejudice focuses on Elizabeth and Darcy's previous same-sex romances--Elizabeth's with Charlotte Lucas and Darcy's with Bingley. It's out today, and while I'm not sure the slashfic approach to Austen is going to resonate with all of Pride and Prejudice's many fans, props to Ms. Hendereen for her, er, unusual take on the subject.

You see, dear readers, Pride/Prejudice focuses on Elizabeth and Darcy's previous same-sex romances--Elizabeth's with Charlotte Lucas and Darcy's with Bingley. It's out today, and while I'm not sure the slashfic approach to Austen is going to resonate with all of Pride and Prejudice's many fans, props to Ms. Hendereen for her, er, unusual take on the subject.
Posted by: Julianka
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Yeah, that was pretty much my take on it, too.
Well, that and "What an ugly cover."
My cover reaction was, "Woah, since when did Austen focus on boobs?"
I know! I realize the book is supposed to be a sex-centric retelling, but, to me, that cover art says "Cheeseball soft-core costume drama", and I'm not sure that's what the author was going for.