Posts tagged with wendelin-van-draanen
Sammy Keyes and The Kiss Goodbye, by Wendelin Van Draanen

After eighteen installments, Wendelin Van Draanen is ending her award-winning Sammy Keyes series. The final book, Sammy Keyes and The Kiss Goodbye, was released this week, and it's a creative and genuinely sweet send-off...
Sammy Keyes and the Wedding Crasher, by Wendelin Van Draanen

We adore Wendelin Van Draanen's books, but we understand why the director of the recent film adaptation of her novel Flipped re-set the plot in the 1950s—Ms. Van Draanen's unif...
Flipped: new and improved?
If you've never read Wendelin Van Draanen's adorable 2001 novel Flipped, Random House is releasing an "enhanced" e-book edition of the book featuring a bunch of tie-ins from the upcoming movie ada...
There's a fine line between "sweet" and "totally hokey"
Well, the trailer is out for the movie adaptation of my beloved Flipped, and I'm really not feeling it. The book was wholesome, sure, but this looks like a non-ironic version of Pleasantville wit...
Behind the times
Wait. There's a Flipped movie?!? AND IT'S COMING OUT THIS YEAR? (...and why is it suddenly set in the fifties?)Why am I so behind on Wendelin Van Draanen news? Turns out there's both a plot summar...
Wordcandy (hearts) public libraries
Once again, my local library has come through for me with their excellent books-on-CD selection. My family and I are heading off to the beach this week, and we'll be listening to the complete and ...
Confessions of a Serial Kisser, by Wendelin Van Draanen

Seventeen-year-old Evangeline Logan, the heroine of Wendelin Van Draanen’s new YA novel Confessions of a Serial Kisser, has a lot in common with the eponymous star of her kid-friendly Sammy Keyes mystery series. Both girls are smart, resourceful, and fearless...
Something to look forward to...
Two of our favorite Wordcandy YA authors have new books scheduled for the spring:Peter Abrahams has announced that the third book in his excellent Echo Falls mystery series will be called Into the...
Sammy Keyes and the Wild Things, by Wendelin Van Draanen

Wendelin Van Draanen’s Sammy Keyes series is one of our favorites. It’s smart, straightforward, and it hasn’t put itself under pressure by announcing a finite number of installments, so plot lines develop at a natural pace. Van Draanen's eponymous heroine is a genuinely likable character, and her adventures consist of a nicely judged blend of mystery, romance, and hair-raising adventure...