Posts tagged with the-eye-of-minds
The Eye of Minds, by James Dashner

I have never understood James Dashner's success. He has some fun ideas, and his best-selling Maze Runner series definitely came out at the perfect, immediately-post-Hunger Games time, but his characters are incredibly boring. But he has zillions of fans who obviously feel otherwise, so I did my best to approach his new book The Eye of Minds without preconceptions...
Weekly Book Giveaway: The Eye of Minds, by James Dashner

The first order of business after our unscheduled break: a book giveaway. This week's pick is James Dashner's The Eye of Minds, described as "the first book in The Mortality Doctrine, a series set in a world of hyperadvanced technology, cyberterrorists, and gaming beyond your wildest dreams . . . and your worst nightmares". I wasn't a fan of Dashner's earlier series, but maybe this will knock my socks off. Our review should go up later today...