Posts tagged with sisters-grimm
Why so far away, May 8th?
At long, long, long last, the book cover and plot description for the final (sobs) Sisters Grimm book are out:"In the final volume in the Sisters Grimm series, Sabrina, Daphne, and the rest of t...
The Sisters Grimm: The Inside Story, by Michael Buckley
Once again, Michael Buckley's newest Sisters Grimm book is scheduled to go on sale May 1st, and once again, it was widely available by mid-April. I asked about this (again), and the bookseller tol...
At long last: Sisters Grimm news
I know Michael Buckley is probably hard at work on that Sisters Grimm movie, and I hate to whine about a mere one-year waiting period between books (okay, that's a total lie), but I really wish th...
Sisters Grimm #6: Tales from the Hood
(Have I mentioned how much I hate the whole Daylight Savings spring time change? Because, seriously: my brain feels like it's going to melt.)I can't believe this slipped past me, but Michael Buckl...
Peter Ferguson brings the pretty.
The cover art is now available for Magic and Other Misdemeanors, the fifth book in Michael Buckley's Sisters Grimm series, and illustrator Peter Ferguson continues to knock our socks off:This seri...
Also pretty!
I have long admired the cover art for Michael Buckley's Sisters Grimm series. They're truly beautiful books, with packaging that confidently asserts: "Yes, these books are going to be instant cla...
Odds and ends
Item one: I finally received my copy of Hope Mirrlees's Lud-in-the-Mist (which means I can finish this week's update!) and check out what's written on the back cover: "As sturdy as a painting by B...
Wordcandy's (new and improved) weekly book snippet... with 100% more background information!Excerpt from:The Sisters Grimm: The Unusual Suspects, by Michael BuckleyWhy you should buy a copy of your very own:The likable heroines, the clever twi...
Readers 14 and under, take note!
If you're under 14 years of age and into creative writing, Wordcandy author Michael Buckley (author of the Sisters Grimm series) is holding an awesome contest through his website. Write your own ...