Posts tagged with short-stories
Maybe let it lie

NPR recently published an interview with Andrew Gulli, the managing editor of The Strand. Gulli recently published a previously undiscovered story by Truman Capote: "Another Day in Paradise". He received permission to publish from Capote's estate, and the story's plot sounds interesting...
No thank you

The trailer is out for The Boogeyman, the film adaptation of a 1978 Stephen King short story. I will be skipping this one, because I don't care how cheesy or overdone it looks (which is: very)...
Mulliner's Buck-U-Uppo, by P.G. Wodehouse

On a recent trip to Canada, I picked up Mulliner's Buck-U-Uppo, a beautifully packaged little collection of P.G. Wodehouse stories from Arrow Books, who blithely describe it as "A Wodehouse Pick-Me-Up!". Mulliner's Buck-U-Uppo consists of three short stories: two Mulliner tales, including the title story (about a meek curate who turns into an ass-kicking, name-taking problem solver...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Mulliner's Buck-U-Uppo, by P.G. Wodehouse

This week we're giving away Mulliner's Buck-U-Uppo, which has the dubious honor of being the most over-packaged collection of P.G. Wodehouse short stories I've ever seen. A full review will follow shortly, but here's a spoiler: this is a lot of wrapping for very little gift. This giveaway will run through 11/09/19...
Weekly Book Giveaway: The Wind Off the Small Isles, by Mary Stewart

This week's Book Giveaway is The Wind Off the Small Isles, by Mary Stewart. I'm really happy that Hodder Books reprinted this little-known 1968 novella (along with a recently rediscovered short story, "The Lost One"), but I'm not sure I would describe it as a "beloved modern classic". Maybe "long-lost treasure", if they were looking for a superlative...
Young Men in Spats, by P.G. Wodehouse

The last book I reviewed left me convinced we're all about to die, so this week I wanted something soothing—and soothing, for me, usually means P.G. Wodehouse. I picked up a copy of Young Men in Spats, a collection of Drones Club, Mulliner, and Uncle Fred short stories, and, while definitely not the author's most impressive work, it did its anxiety-reducing job...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Young Men in Spats, by P.G. Wodehouse

After our latest Book Giveaway, I decided to balance things out with little P.G. Wodehouse: our current book on offer is his short story collection Young Men in Spats. A full review will follow shortly, and this giveaway will run through 5/10/19...
Snowdrift and Other Stories, by Georgette Heyer

I am a die-hard Georgette Heyer fan and have sincerely loved Sourcebooks' elegant, well-made reprints of her work, so it pains me to say this, but despite the great cover art and a couple of solid entries, the short story collection Snowdrift is for Heyer completists only...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Snowdrift, by Georgette Heyer

This week's Book Giveaway is Snowdrift, a collection of 14 short stories by beloved historical romance novelist Georgette Heyer. A full review will follow shortly, and please note: due to a bunch of overdue postings, this giveaway will run through October 12th, so best of luck...
Wodehouse on Crime: A Dozen Tales of Fiendish Cunning, by P.G. Wodehouse

During a recent trip to Powell's Books in Portland, OR, I picked up Wodehouse on Crime: A Dozen Tales of Fiendish Cunning, an oddly packaged collection of P.G. Wodehouse stories edited by D.R. Bensen. Wodehouse on Crime features stories from all over the Wodehouse universe: Jeeves and Wooster, Mulliner, Lord Emsworth, Ukridge. Wodehouse was perhaps the furthest thing on Earth from a hardboiled crime writer, but a surprising number of his plots hinge...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Wodehouse on Crime: A Dozen Tales of Fiendish Cunning, by P.G. Wodehouse

We are currently giving away a copy of this extremely ugly but amusingly-titled P.G. Wodehouse collection: Wodehouse on Crime: A Dozen Tales of Fiendish Cunning, originally published in 1990. A full review will follow shortly, but meanwhile, take a gander at that guy lurking on the far left of the cover. Doesn't he look like a beefier Benedict Cumberbatch...
At the press of a button

According to LitHub, the number of Short Story Dispensers in the United States is about to grow. The machines were introduced in France a few years ago, and print a one-, three-, or five-minute story, for free, with the press of a button. The first American dispenser is located in Francis Ford Coppola’s Café Zoetrope in San Francisco...

Hmm. There's going to be a film based on Neil Gaiman's short story "How to Talk to Girls at Parties", and it appears to have a much bigger-name cast (Elle Fanning, Nicole Kidman) than its premise or somewhat low-budget-looking production values...
The Complete Sookie Stackhouse Stories, by Charlaine Harris

Charlaine Harris's The Complete Sookie Stackhouse Stories is a collection of nine short stories and a novella. I'm not sure how hardcore Sookie Stackhouse junkies will feel about this book, but as a casual fan I actually found it more fun than a full-length novel—it offers a tantalizing glimpse of Harris's characters and world-building, but you get to skim over all the tedious background drama created by thirteen books' worth of storytelling...
Weekly Book Giveaway: The Complete Sookie Stackhouse Stories, by Charlaine Harris

This week's Book Giveaway is Charlaine Harris's The Complete Sookie Stackhouse Stories. Considering the popularity of this series, I'm always surprised by the homemade vibe of the cover art, which feels like something designed by an artsy middle school student. (But what do I know? Clearly, these books sell just fine.) Our full review will be posted soon...
Who knew?

There's a review up on the New York Times website of the new Amazon TV anthology series Electric Dreams, based on the short stories of Philip K. Dick. The showrunners seem taken aback by how difficult (and expensive) it was to cram the complexity of their material into 10 hour-long segments, but...
Weekly Book Giveaway: We Are Never Meeting in Real Life, by Samantha Irby

This week's Book Giveaway is We Are Never Meeting in Real Life, a collection of essays by Samantha Irby (best known as the author of the "bitches gotta eat" blog.) The book is a little less stream-of-consciousness than her online writing—and all the font is the same color—but just as awesome. A full review will follow shortly...
Just in time to spark some holiday discussion

Well, this is topical: there's a recently-discovered and -published Raymond Chandler short story called "It’s All Right—He Only Died" about the evils of a profit-minded health care system. The story is only 655 words long, but...
Store-brand Poe

Some streaming service that I've never heard of (Shudder) has bought the rights to all four chapters of Neil Gaiman’s Likely Stories, a collection of short-film adaptations that originally aired on the UK’s Sky Arts last year...
The World of Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse

I firmly believe that P.G. Wodehouse is best experienced in the short-story format. Sure, I've laughed myself sick over individual scenes in his full-length novels, but let's face it: every Jeeves and Wooster novel is really just a short story on steroids, so why bother with the needlessly hulked-out version when...
Weekly Book Giveaway: The World of Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse

This week's Book Giveaway is my all-time favorite P.G. Wodehouse collection: the 1989 omnibus edition The World of Jeeves. This hefty sucker contains all 34 Jeeves and Wooster short stories, and is (in my opinion) the best organized and most accessible way of enjoying Wodehouse's work. A full review will follow shortly...
Utterly Uncle Fred, by P.G. Wodehouse

Utterly Uncle Fred is an omnibus edition of P.G. Wodehouse's stories about the irrepressible Frederick Altamont Cornwallis Twistleton, 5th Earl of Ickenham. This collection includes the novels Cocktail Time, Uncle Dynamite, and Service With a Smile, and well as the short story that introduced us to the character, "Uncle Fred Flits By"...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Utterly Uncle Fred, by P.G. Wodehouse

This week's Book Giveaway is the P.G. Wodehouse omnibus Utterly Uncle Fred, which consists of one short story ("Uncle Fred Flits By") and three novels: Uncle Dynamite, Cocktail Time, and Service With a Smile. Any one of these, including the short story, would be well worth the cover price, so you can only imagine their combined awesomeness...

According to NPR, there is a long-unpublished H.G. Wells story that will finally be seeing the light of day. In its new issue, The Strand is publishing "The Haunted Ceiling", described as a short story...
Shadowed Souls, edited by Jim Butcher and Kerrie L. Hughes

Shadowed Souls is a bit of a bait-and-switch. Based on the style of the cover, I had assumed that this was a Dresden Files-themed anthology written by a bunch of big-name urban fantasy writers. Instead, it's an uneven collection of “dark and gritty” short stories tied together by...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Shadowed Souls, edited by Jim Butcher and Kerrie L. Hughes

This week's Book Giveaway is Shadowed Souls, a collection of short stories set in Jim Butcher's Dresden Files universe. The featured authors include some longtime Wordcandy favorites like Seanan McGuire, Kat Richardson, and Butcher himself. (Sadly, the book does not...
Otherworld Chills, by Kelley Armstrong

Kelley Armstrong is right up there with J.K. Rowling when it comes to creating supplementary material for her books. She has written more than fifty(!) short stories and novellas set in her Women of the Otherworld universe. Seven of these are now available in the anthology Otherworld Chills, which consists of six previously-published works and one new story...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Otherworld Chills, by Kelley Armstrong

It's October, and we've been in a very horror-lite mood lately, so this week's Book Giveaway is Kelley Armstrong's Otherworld Chills, a collection of "rare and never-before-published novellas and short stories" set in her "Women of the Otherworld" 'verse. A full review will follow shortly...
Sign me up

The full trailer for Arrival, the upcoming movie adaptation of Ted Chiang’s 1998 short story “Story Of Your Life” is out, and it looks awesome. People frequently talk about Amy Adams's long history as an Oscars also-ran...
That's a full-length-novel-worthy cover, though.

io9 informs me that there is a short film adaptation of Daniel H. Wilson’s Pinocchio-goes-scifi story The Nostalgist, and it's now available (for free!) online. Here's the official plot description...