Posts tagged with s-m-stirling
Mar 7
Island in the Sea of Time, by S. M. Stirling

This is super, super nerdy, but I mean it in the most complimentary of ways: S.M. Stirling's novel Island in the Sea of Time is like a mash-up of Sid Meier's Civilization and Harriet M. Welsh's “Town” game...
Mar 7
Weekly Book Giveaway: Island in the Sea of Time, by S. M. Stirling

Today's Book Giveaway is S.M. Stirling's 1998 novel Island in the Sea of Time, the first book in his "Nantucket" trilogy. Clearly, the late 90s were not a great time for cover art, but thus far the story is Dan Simmons-level ambitious. A full review will follow later today...