Posts tagged with robin-bridges
The Morning Star, by Robin Bridges

The Morning Star, the final book in Robin Bridges's Katerina trilogy, exhibits the same strengths and weaknesses as her previous two installments. The story is ridiculously over-stuffed with monsters and plot twists, but it's hard to fault an author for having too much ambition...
The Unfailing Light, by Robin Bridges

The Unfailing Light is the second book in Robin Bridges's Katerina trilogy, following rapidly on the heels of last winter's The Gathering Storm. This installment is less ambitious than its predecessor, but the series as a whole has a lot to offer fans of historical YA fantasy, including an appealingly intelligent heroine and an unusual late-19th century Russian setting...
Weekly Book Giveaway: The Unfailing Light, by Robin Bridges

This week's Book Giveaway pick is The Unfailing Light, by Robin Bridges. It's the second book in the "Katerina" trilogy (you can find our review of her first book, The Gathering Storm, here). Our review of The Unfailing Light will be posted Wednesday, and will include my thoughts on what I hope was a hardcore Photoshop job on the girl featured on the book cover...
The Gathering Storm, by Robin Bridges

It always feels weird to complain about a story having too much plot, but sometimes I can't help it: Robin Bridges's novel The Gathering Storm—the first book in a projected trilogy—races along at a breakneck pace, but it would have been improved by more world-building and less straight-up storytelling.