Posts tagged with racism
If I'm feeling brave

I clicked on this article about an upcoming stop-motion kids' movie because of my love for Jordan Peele, but I'm less interested in the kids' movie than the Peele-produced project mentioned at the very end: Lovecraft Country, based on the novel by Matt Ruff...
Weekly Book Giveaway: An Extraordinary Union, by Alyssa Cole

Continuing our month-long celebration of romance novels, this week's Book Giveaway is Alyssa Cole's historical romance/adventure An Extraordinary Union. I'm only about halfway through it, but thus far the romance stuff is fine, but a bit of a distraction from the A+++ spy action. A full review will follow shortly...
Same issue, different book

Literally only a few months after the flap over the depiction of slavery in the children's book A Fine Dessert, there is another, virtually identical controversy...