Posts tagged with let-sleeping-rogues-lie
Feb 29
Let Sleeping Rogues Lie, by Sabrina Jeffries

I have read and reviewed three romance novels this month. The first one was straight-up ridiculous. The second was irritatingly flimsy. I don't want to sound like Goldilocks, so I'll just say the third—Sabrina Jeffries's Let Sleeping Rogues Lie—is unquestionably the best of the bunch...
Feb 29
Weekly Book Giveaway: Let Sleeping Rogues Lie, by Sabrina Jeffries

This week's Book Giveaway is Sabrina Jeffries's 2008 novel Let Sleeping Rogues Lie, the fourth book in her long-running 'School for Heiresses' series. A full review will follow later today, but here's a spoiler: of the three romance novels we've read recently, this is DEFINITELY the pick of the bunch...