Posts tagged with janet-aylmer
Jun 16
Darcy's Story, by Janet Aylmer

I am not picky about Jane Austen fanfic. Despite my frequent bookshelf purges, I have kept nearly a dozen Pride and Prejudice retellings, re-imaginings, and continuations of varying degrees of quality, so it's pretty telling that I will be sending my copy of Janet Aylmer's Darcy's Story off to its new home without a pang...
Jun 16
Weekly Book Giveaway: Darcy's Story, by Janet Aylmer

This week we're giving away yet another "Pride and Prejudice-from-Darcy's-perspective" book: Janet Aylmer's Darcy's Story. (Creative title!) The cover is pretty, but the novel's subtitle is "Pride and Prejudice, told from a whole new perspective", which is pretty ridiculous. I mean, are we ignoring...