Posts tagged with harper-lee

Man, EVERYTHING written about Harper Lee's lawyer has made me 10 out of 10 uncomfortable, and this latest bit of news (involving Lee's unsealed will) is no different...
Sad that I can't hear her thoughts on the Trump casino, though.

I had wondered if the controversy surrounding Go Set a Watchman would cast a shadow over Harper Lee's legacy, but it appears she's still a money-maker, at least: a collection of her letters recently fetched more than $12,000 at auction...
And the shadiness continues...

There's a deeply depressing article in New Republic about the death of the mass-market paperback edition of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. The article is well worth reading in full, but here's the gist: Lee's estate (under the direction of her highly controversial lawyer, Tonja Carter) has required that all bookstores sell off...
Raisins, corn syrup, and 8 whole eggs?

I find the vast majority of recent Harper Lee news to be very depressing, but NPR recently posted a recipe for a "Lane Cake" (the boozy, eggy dish baked by To Kill a Mockingbird's Maudie Atkinson)...
Much worse

NPR recently visited Monroeville, Ala., the home of Harper Lee, asking residents about the controversy surrounding Lee's upcoming To Kill a Mockingbird sequel Go Set a Watchman. While I share many residents' concerns about Lee's health and independence, at least the people of Monroeville can take comfort...

CNN informs me that reclusive To Kill A Mockingbird author Harper Lee is suing the Monroe County Heritage Museum for trademark infringement. Lee's suit hinges on the argument...
Legal wrangling

This is a depressing story, so I hope she wins: 87-year-old To Kill a Mockingbird author Harper Lee says that her literary agent Samuel Pinkus (the son-in-law of her long-time agent Eugene Winick) took advantage of her poor health to trick her into signing over the copyright of her book to him...