Posts tagged with harlequin
An unholy hybrid

Publishers Weekly informs me that Harlequin has added yet another imprint to its trade program: Graydon House Books will focus on "commercial women's fiction", and plans to start releasing titles by next September. I'd be more excited about this news if...
Romance Writing 101
Aspiring romance novelists take note: Harlequin is kicking off their second "So You Think You Can Write" contest this week. (Actually, I suspect this event would benefit more than just budding ro...
Let this DIE, PLEASE.
Why, look at this! Harlequin Books (never famed for their originality) are leaping on the "Jane Austen + supernatural beings" wagon......a mere two years after the rest of the publishing world.
More Harlequin/Dark Horse
I stopped by the bookstore last night, and considered picking up these charming new releases:Happily for my bank balance, I resisted. So far, all of these Dark Horse/Harlequin manga fusions have b...
Life Comes At You Fast!
So I am not sure how widespread Nationwide Insurance's "Life Comes At You Fast" ad campain is, but as soon as I saw these billboards I knew I had to post them... I thought we might need some clos...
So, my birthday's coming up....
I love vintage Harlequin romance novels. I love how magnificently cheeseball they can be, with their lurid covers and hopelessly outdated sexual politics, and I admire how instantly entertaining ...