Posts tagged with fake-books
Buy it for YOURSELF

If you received some gift cards over the holidays that are burning a hole in your pocket, allow me to recommend this extremely cute Bibliophile Vase from Chronicle Books. It's $29.95 and...
RIP, books

I always feel a pang when I see fake books that used to be real books, and this "Secret Book Panel Hidden Storage" shelf is no different. Thankfully, the books I can see look pretty bad...
Book decor

Despite my well-documented aversion to fake books, I quite like this book-shaped "Hanabunko" vase from Spoon & Tamago. It's $37, and currently on back-order until July, but...
Literary decor on a budget

I was stoked to see that H&M is now offering online shopping for American customers, as it finally allows me to investigate the one H&M department I haven't been able to visit in person: their home line. (Plus, my European cousins can now stop lording their online shopping access over my head.) Most of the stuff looks pretty uninspired, but they do offer a few book-inspired products...
There's a sucker born every minute

Even for Restoration Hardware, which I think of as a veritable temple of ridiculousness, these "Grand Tomes" journals are pretty silly. Inspired by 18th century antique books, these replicas are hand-crafted, which in this case actually means hand-damaged...
All sneaky and awesome...

The always-fascinating site Instructables is featuring a tutorial on how to make a Secret Bookcase Box of your very own. As always, I'm sorry they had to sacrifice so many decent books (several Dick Francis novels and a copy of Joy of Cooking) for the project, but the idea is great...

I'm never going to be fully comfortable with the idea of "repurposing" a book, no matter how terrible the story or how awesome the new product. That being said, some of these ideas for using up old books are kind of cool... but only if you're using, like, Kathleen E. Woodiwiss novels.

I don't know about this iPad cover, guys. It's snazzy-looking, sure, but "BookBook" is a ridiculous name, and "Curl up with a good BookBook" is an even more ridiculous tag line. Plus, $69.99 for a fancy iPad holder? Please.
Safety second

As the daughter of a geotechnical engineer, I've been raised to think about earthquake safety, and I don't think the various structures featured on this slideshow of buildings made from books would pass muster... but they're still incredibly cool.
A worthy sacrifice
The always-entertaining design blog Swiss-Miss recently introduced me to Isaac G. Salazar's "Book of Art" pieces. Behold:Pretty amazing, huh? Being me, I immediately wondered how you could dust ...
Impressive... but morally wrong
I'm never thrilled when people take real books and transform them into fake books, and it's even worse when the books in question are actually nice. That said, these Book Charging Docks are kind ...
Bargain basement goods, still-ridiculous prices
Remember those Anthropologie fake books we were trashing back in September? Well, they were $188, but now they have been marked down to a mere $99.95, which means the price only needs to drop by ...
Just like in Scooby Doo
As you all know, I have many problems with fake books. One, they're fake books. Two, what are you supposed to keep in them? They're tiny! Three—and this is particularly true in this case—they'...
Books as Art
So, not sure how I feel about this:It's called Idiom, and it's an installation art piece by Slovak artist Matej Krén. It lives in the Prague Public Library.Neat? Kinky? Pretentious? All three?
Trompe l'oeil
I don't know about this, dear readers:Sure, I like books... but I also like cereal, and I wouldn't paint a mural of that on my garage, either.[Via the Los Angeles Times]
Vintage books are the new neckties.
The latest J.Crew catalog recently showed up in my mailbox, and it has a literary theme! The shoot was called "East of Eden", and the models were photographed reading (er... "reading") vintage boo...
Book sculpture
I'm torn, dear readers. Normally, I hate it when people destroy books (even really bad books), but I have to admit this hand-folded Cone Book Sculpture looks kind of cool. Hard to dust and, at $...
Fake books (Part 17,921)
GYAH!CasaSugar recently featured this horrifying Anthropologie display:Unless those are all D.H. Lawrence novels (and I doubt it, as I don't think he was big on illustrations), I call that an unfo...
Fake Books, Part 87
Awesome or insane? It's your call...The Curiosity Shoppe is offering these bookshelves (they're made from real books, and there are several titles available) for $40. On one hand, $40 seems like...
Even more Fake Books
Not only is this paperback-book-printed wallpaper butt-ugly*, it's also a whopping fifty-five euros per yard! Fifty-five euros! You could practically that entire stack of BOOKS for fifty-five eu...