Posts tagged with emma
Emma: 200th Anniversary Annotated Edition, by Jane Austen

Before we get started, I want to emphasize that this is a review of a particular edition—the Penguin Deluxe Classics 200th Anniversary Annotated version—of Jane Austen's novel Emma, rather than the novel itself. If you haven't already read Emma... well, you should! It's good...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Emma: 200th Anniversary Annotated Edition, by Jane Austen

This week's Book Giveaway is Penguin's "Classics Deluxe" edition of Jane Austen's Emma. This is the 200th Anniversary annotated edition, and features explanatory notes by Juliette Wells. Our review will follow shortly...
Emma, by Alexander McCall Smith

Emma Woodhouse is not my favorite Jane Austen heroine, but she deserves better treatment than she receives in Alexander McCall Smith's Emma, one of the six titles in The Austen Project, an attempt to re-imagine Austen's novels with a modern setting. Austen's Emma is a flawed but endearing character who eventually begins to correct her many faults; Smith's Emma, in contrast, is...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Emma, by Alexander McCall Smith

This week's Book Giveaway is Alexander McCall Smith's Emma, a modern re-telling of Jane Austen's novel of the same name. I have my doubts about the wisdom of this project, frankly. Not only is Smith inviting comparisons with the original novel, he's also inviting comparisons with Clueless, and that seems like a really stacked deck. Our review will follow shortly...