Posts tagged with design
The Secret Garden (MinaLima edition), by Frances Hodgson Burnett

MinaLima is a graphic design studio best known for providing all the paper goods for the Harry Potter movies—the newspapers, candy wrappers, books, and other ephemera that make that film world feel like a real, lived-in place. When I learned they were working on a handful of interactive editions of classic children's stories, I was super excited—but that was before I saw the titles...
Weekly Book Giveaway: The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett

This week's Book Giveaway is the MinaLima edition of Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden. (This book is so pretty it hurts me to give it up, but them's the breaks.) A full review will follow shortly, and please note: due to a bunch of overdue postings, this giveaway will run through 10/12/18...

This Game of Thrones-inspired egg cup is... a thing that exists.
Okay, and it costs $16, and I don't think the crown is included...
The Alice one is going on my Christmas list

Out of Print just launched a collaboration with S'well water bottles! There are only three designs (The Great Gatsby, Alice in Wonderland, and a black-and-white Composition book style), and...
I'd use it

A Singapore-based design studio has created a project called "The Missing Dining Table", which explores a variety of futuristic dining tools, all aimed at the solo eater. This book/dish holder made me laugh, but...
Shelvable furniture

I like the idea of "multi-fuctional, highly portable" furniture, but I'm pretty sure the very first thing I would do if I bought some Bookniture is spill tea into its delicate paper innards...