Posts tagged with age-of-x

Sep 8 2014

Gameboard of the Gods, by Richelle Mead


To do her justice, Richelle Mead is not lazy. Her Vampire Academy series is successful enough that many authors would have settled for simply producing more of the same, but she has chosen instead to return to her adult paranormal-fiction roots, creating the sci-fi/fantasy series Age of X...

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Sep 8 2014

Weekly Book Giveaway: Gameboard of the Gods, by Richelle Mead


This week's Book Giveaway is Richelle Mead's Gameboard of the Gods. I've found Richelle Mead's adult novels to be even more hit-or-miss than her Vampire Academy books (and let's face it: those are pretty spotty, too), so here's hoping this is one for the "hit" column...

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